.:Lord, i want to see:.

.:1 the earth is the LORD's, and everything in it, the world, all who live in it; 2 for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters. 3 who may ascend the hill of the LORD? who may stand in his holy place? 4 he who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false. 5 he will receive blessing from the LORD and vindication from God his Savior. 6 such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, O God of Jacob. Selah 7 lift up your heads, O you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. 8 who is this King of glory? the LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. 9 Lift up your heads, O you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. 10 who is he, the King of glory? the LORD Almighty - he is the King of glory. Selah:. psalm24

today, at jsem (the church i attend here in seoul), an anointed brother of God, norberto sango, from mozambique, came to give a message today. well wait, before i get into the message that this brother delievered today, the well timed word that GOD placed upon his people's hearts, i have to first say something:

hallelujah LORD God! how awesome and how mighty you are, not only to save, but to reach through to us even after calling us your children, constantly crafting us, guiding us, changing us, and redirecting our lives to line in with your perfect will and not your permissive, your amazing grace that continually humbles us, oh praise you LORD God for your patience with us, your grace and peace that transcends all understanding, and how LORD you give us victory, how LORD God you open our eyes to see the great things that you are bringing to completion, you are just amazing LORD God, King of glory, you are worthy and deserving of all praise! AMEN.

ok. just wanted to open up with some praise. why? because, like psalm24 says, "lift up your heads.... so that the King of glory may come in." and praising Him is such a great way.. strike that, its the ONLY way.. to be lifted up, for that anointing to flow, for our lives to be changed, even through a blog. i think God is willing new and mighty ways for His people to be changed, as He is a God that takes all things and works and crafts them towards our good, for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. so we can pray and praise Him, asking for that anointing to flow, to rush through words, even through print... oh hallelujah! im getting stirred up right now just typing! ... so back to today. its amazing how God has such a well timed word for His people, how He always knows the best way to speak to His children, and He is persistent and so gracious in His pursuit. and today, God had a special message for His people at jsem, spoken through an anointed brother of God, norberto sango, from mozambique.

what was that message?..... open up your eyes. and see the things of God. see God move in your life. see His power and anointing flow. see signs and wonders. see transformation. see healings. see an outpouring of faith, a stream of living water flow into the lives of others, see your life change, as the specks, splinters, and scales are removed... see.

and for myself... that is something that I have struggled with... seeing. for those who know me, they know, i wear glasses and contacts, so of course, i struggle with seeing, in terms of a worldly, natural sense. but im not talking about my physical body.. but rather, seeing, spiritually. i know for a fact that this message today, from our brother norberto was a message God was crafting to speak to my heart, to my spirit man, to my soul, as well as to my mind, concerning the fact that not just myself, but a lot of us today lack vision. we don't see what God wants us to see. our eyes are constantly blinded, distorted, by the human glasses, as one of my brothers here in seoul called it earlier in the week (praise God He spoke to me 3 different times through 3 different brothers about the EXACT same subject that norberto preached on today... how faithful is he? hallelujah!!). we don't see the mightier things of God, we only except and think about the things that we see. the things that are here on earth, the things that our earthly eyes can capture and retain...... and oh how that limits us.

without even knowing, we have placed our God in a box, limiting the things that we believe that He can do. i mean, i had no idea that i was walking in this way, living a Christian life with spiritual blinders on. i had never thought that maybe i have been living in a way that lacks vision, that lacks the ability to believe and see God moving in my life in even mightier ways that He already has. my sight has limited my faith, and as my faith has limited, so has the area that in which His Spirit abounds. see, today i came to realize that our faith and our sight when it comes to the things of God is like a large jug. and the larger our faith and our sight spiritually is, the larger that jug is... and the larger and larger that jug is, the greater area there is for God's spirit to pour out. and I don't know about you, but I want a jug the size of mount everest. i want a jug that could hold all the water on this earth and still have room left. why? because God doesn't just fill up your cup or your jug to the brim... God fills it up in abundance, with an overflow... and from the overflow of anointing in that cup, from the overflow that God pours inside of us, that's where you see the miracles and giftings really come to fruition. that's where God starts to really move, that's where the place of faith truly is where we start to see healing and transformation and the masses of God's people come back to His family, into the Kingdom. but we have to see it first. we have to have the sight and the faith to back it up. we gotta cry out to God, asking for His Son Jesus to open us up, to tear down those walls, those blinders, those shades that we have been wearing.... to open up our eyes, our sight, so that our minds, our hearts, and our spirits will be transformed.

it finally hit me today, what God has been trying to say to me ever since I have became a Christian. God just wants us to see. just wants us to have open eyes.. because with those kinds of eyes, everything else will become clear, everything else falls into place... not to first fall into a legalistic "do this, don't do that" walk, but instead... just to see. norberto said something today that has blessed me the more i think about it. he said.. "jesus isn't complex. it's actually very simple." and what makes it simple is all we have to do is.. see. see Christ for who He really is, the LORD of our lives, the King of glory, the forgiver of sins, the author and perfector of our faith, He who not only died for us, but is also here with us, bringing us closer and closer to His likeness.

our first memory verse in discipleship was 2 corinthians 3.17-18: .:now the LORD is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is freedom. and we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the LORD's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with everincreasing glory, which comes from the LORD, who is the Spirit:. when thinking about that verse since that time, since the beginning of our meetings this summer, i would wonder, "why unveiled faces? whats so important about that?" and to me it has always seemed like unveiled faces was a small part that really had been unnecessary... even in my prayers when i would recite the verse, i would almost always not say that part... but now, praise God, He in His wisdom, in His perfect timing reveals it all:.... why is unveiled faces so important??? SO THAT WE CAN SEE. you cannot reflect the LORD's glory if you cannot see. if you cannot see the things of God first moving in your life, and then in others. before you can be transformed into his likeness.... you have to first take the veil off, and SEE. and there are so many other verses that are right now as i type this rising up in me recounting the importance of seeing, not with our worldly eyes, as job 31:1 tells explicitly to not do...why not look lustfully at a girl? because we are called to set our minds and our eyes on things above, not on things in this world, as it says in colossians 3... why should our eyes be sanctified? because we need our minds to not be conformed any longer to the patterns of this world, but instead to be transformed and renewed, so that we would have the VISION to test and approve God's good, pleasing, and perfect will for our lives. Jesus spoke of those unbelievers when he talked about how they had eyes but did not see..... how easy it is for us to have eyes that read the word of God, that see others around us being changed, but to not see? how depressing and miserable is that life? God has not given us that destiny, but instead one that is filled with power, love, and self-discipline that bears much fruit for the kingdom.....but we have to have the eyes to see....

just think of paul.
before God rose him up, from saul to the amazing servant of the father that we know paul as today, God did what? He sent ananias to first pray over him, and what happened? scales fell off his EYES.. and saul (paul) could see the things of God, and he went out to do the great ministry that God sought to do through him, preaching the good news to the gentiles. if we are to do the same, if we are to fulfill God's perfect will for our lives... we have to first see. we have to seek to see jesus. to see his face. not just to hear about him. not just to read about him. but to SEE him.

i need to SEE him. i need to move in the anointing and in ministry, not just knowing He is with me in my spirit, but with eyes of faith SEEing the armies of the LORD moving with me, as through Him we take the promised land.

it's time to see.